sâmbătă, martie 15, 2025


Jerry Maston: Obama Was Wrong! Despre cum influențează americanii Referendum-ul din România

U.S. President Trump is seeing things clearly in respect to the moral compass of what has been proven to be right for many centuries around our world.  Below is an article written by the President of Family Research Council,...

Jerry Maston: You May Never Get Another Chance! S-ar putea să nu mai prinzi a doua șansă!

Time is of the essence.  You have little time to make sure you respond for the Referendum.  The voices of those who are against the referendum are screaming in your ear.  Most of them are from without you country...

Jerry Maston: Protect Your Family! Protejează-ți Familia!

The future of every Romanian family weighs in the balance as the referendum for marriage draws near.  When love is pure, the structure and definition of marriage is of major importance.  In just a few days the citizens of...

Jerry Maston: Cele mai mari libertăți ne sunt îngrădite de multe ori, de noi înșine!

Our greatest freedoms usually go suppressed by ourselves, rather than by anyone else.  Think about it.  When was the last time a person requested, or blatantly told you that you could not speak about a particular subject?  As for...

Jerry Maston: Your Voice Is Meant To Be Heard! Fă-ți auzită Vocea! (traducere)

Your voice was given to you by your Creator.  It is a part of you.  It serves a purpose and it is meant to be used.  Just as your eyes are created so you can see, your voice is...

Jerry Maston: If You Can’t Stop It At The Curb… (traducere)

If you can’t stop it at the curb, very soon it will fill the streets.  I hope we still have wisdom in our culture, I pray someone will pay attention to what is going on in regard to the...

Pastor Jerry Maston: God Bless Romania! Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze România! (traducere)

Romania and America are alike in many ways.  I live in one country and travel in the other.  As I get acquainted with so many Romanians I continually discover more similarities than differences within the people.  This is why...

Pastor Jerry Maston: The Difference Between a Dog and a Cat / Un Câine NU poate fi Pisică! (traducere)

A dog can’t be a cat. I hope this is not too hard to understand or to believe. Neither can a cat be a dog. If you find a dog that looks like a cat, someone groomed it to...

Jerry Maston: Hans Klemm is Not the Voice of America! / Hans Klemm NU este vocea Americii! (traducere)

Hans Klemm is Not the Voice of AmericaTo say, “We live in difficult times” would be an understatement.  As simple as the world seemed to be when we were young, things certainly seem to be complex today.  Even with...
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