vineri, martie 7, 2025

Florin Cîțu a afirmat ca nu mai vrea lockdown total în România. Ce spune acesta despre economie 2021

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Premierul Florin Cîţu a afirmat, marţi, că nu doreşte să mai avem un lockdown total, că-şi doreşte ca economia să fie deschisă – atât cât se poate în condiţii de pandemie, lucru pe care România l-a reuşit până acum. Cîţu afirmă că e nevoie de o economie sănătoasă, dar este nevoie şi de oameni sănătoși pentru a avea o economie puternică.

Premierul Florin Cîţu participă, marţi, la videconferinţa ”Bursa în anul crizei sanitare şi al incertitudinilor economice”.

„It is a complicated period, we have to manage this situation with the health crisis (…) You said that last year was a difficult year, but, if we look at the turnover of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, we see that increased „, said Cîţu.

The prime minister explained that there are two things the state did last year: it injected liquidity into the economy, but it also amended the legislation that helps Romanian companies to capitalize.

„It is very important to have healthy companies (…) For me it is important – and I have said many times (…) that I do not want to have a lockdown, that we can have an open economy, most of it , and fight the pandemic. And so far I have succeeded. You need a healthy economy (…) but you also need healthy people to have a strong economy „, the prime minister also declared florin citu.


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