Ministerul Apărării Naționale: Mulțumiri din partea Ucrainei pentru sprijinul primit din România
,,Forțele Armate ale Ucrainei sunt recunoscătoare poporului român, Președintelui, Parlamentului, Guvernului, Ministerului Apărării și Forțelor Armate ale României pentru asistența militară și pentru susținerea suveranității, integrității teritoriale a Ucrainei și în interiorul granițelor sale recunoscute internațional, inclusiv cu Crimeea”.
The Government of Romania Guvernul României decided to send ammunition and military equipment to Ukraine, as well as expressed its willingness to accept the wounded from the neighboring country. A spokesman for the Romanian Government Dan Kerbunaru reported that in addition to ammunition and military equipment (armour, helmets), Romania will also help Ukraine with fuel and other tranche of medical equipment and medicines for over 3 million euros. The Romanian government also expressed its readiness to accept wounded Ukrainians in military hospitals.
The Romanian Government Guvernul României has decided to send ammunition and military equipment to Ukraine, and has expressed readiness to receive the wounded from the neighboring country.
Romanian government spokesman Dan Kerbunaru said that in addition to ammunition and military equipment (body armor, helmets), Romania would also help Ukraine with fuel and the second tranche of medical equipment and medicines worth more than 3m euros. The Romanian government has also expressed readiness to accept wounded Ukrainians in military hospitals.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are grateful to the People, the President, the Parliament, the Government, the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Romania for military assistance and for supporting the sovereignty, territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, including with Crimea. / The Armed Forces of Ukraine are grateful to the People, the President, the Parliament, the Government, the Ministry of Defense and the Romanian Armed Forces for their military assistance and support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integration ty within its internationally recognized borders, including Crimea.